Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lava Flows up 2,000 degrees may destroy dozens of homes to Hawaiians

October 28,2014 people are waking up to the smell of burning to find out that its the lava slowly burning away at their homes. This lava flow is measured up to be at least 2,000 degrees and increasing.This lava is coming from molten rock from the Kilauea Volcano which is about 350 yards from the nearest house.The hawaiians in the 350 yard range of the Volcano have already been warned since the first sighting on tuesday. Till now people are still in their homes waiting and preparing to abandon their homes. WHat should the government do in the future for those who would be homeless? Leave them in the streets or what?


  1. I think the government should have safety precautions for those who live near the volcano. They should have shelters for families to go to to take refuge in these emergencies. The government should also have many warnings ahead of time so people have time to evacuate to avoid being hurt because the lava is really dangerous. The people should have a safety plan, like we do with earthquakes, in these emergencies.

  2. I agree. There should be designated shelters for those whose homes get destroyed due to this lava. And there should be more safety precautions. At the same time, it is not the people's fault nor the governments fault that lava is destroying homes. It is a human vs nature issue. So there is not need to place blame for the lack of safety precautions made ahead of time, but the government should definitely provide shelters for those who lost their homes because a government's main purpose is to do things for the good of their citizens. creating these shelters will give them a temporary home until they have their house rebuilt

  3. I agree with Lexi, the government should have a safety precaution since families do live near the volcano. Although I do think they family should have some thought in the back of their heads that there is an active volcano and they should have some evacuation plan. Yes they can't see it coming but I do think they should have an emergency kit of some sort. A for shelter I think the government should help supply that for those who lost their homes and provide supplies like clothes, food, water, etc

  4. I am sure this is not the first time Hawaiians were in danger from overflowing lava. It would surprise me if they did not already have a plan for evacuating from active volcanoes (given that they know where they live). As for the government, they should definitely provide the victims of this natural disaster with food and shelter and everything that they will need to help them get back on their feet.

  5. I would also have to agree with everyone is saying but I also would like to point out that for the government or whoever is planning on making the shelters for those whos homes are destroyed to just come up witjh these shelters. Also another point that could say why to not make these shelters for those that do lose their homes is that how often would those shelters be used? There isnt a volcano eruption every day, every week, or even every year. So making these extra shelters would kind of be a waste of money. All in all I believe there should be something done but i dont know what that should be.

  6. I find it extremely surprising that the volcano reinforcements do not have a plan to deal with these situations. It is a shame that these people are left with no home to go to and no shelter to be safe.

  7. I agree with Cherie that this is probably not the first time this has happened. However this should have not been a big problem since it has happened. But I believe the government should help these people with some sort of shelter since they have no control over the situation and its the governments duty to protect its citizens.

  8. I find it rather odd that the volcano reinforcements don't have a plan to deal with situations such as these. It's a pity that people are left with no home to go to and no shelter to be protected by. This is also some fault with the reinforcement team, which I find weird because they didn't have a plan to begin with.

  9. I think that the state government of Hawaii should enact some form of public insurance that allows homeowners to affordably insure their homes against lava flows. This could be mandatory, much like how car insurance or a cash deposit with the DMV is necessary to be a licensed driver. With money from insurance, people who have lost their homes could find new homes.

  10. I actually am surprised that nobody has a plan to deal with this. I think this the reinforcement teams fault its their job to prevent things like this and if they are not preventing it they they are obviously not doing their job. It is ridiculous that because of this people have no place for shelter.

  11. Its really bad how Hawaii had no plan for this. The island is made from lava yet you never thought of an idea to deal with it. That s like living on a beach and expecting there to be no sand. There not doing there jobs and now people are going to loose their houses. Good job.

  12. Perhaps the government should be prepared to provide these people with a place to live while their houses are being rebuilt. Also, I hope that the government already has a plan when something lie this occurs. This though is an unfortunate event for the ones who have lost their homes to the lava and the government should definitely provide these people with support.

  13. I think that the government should have plans to deal with this problem, because for sure this won't be the last time this will happen. The people living there should be covered for the damages that occurring to them, and if they become homeless at least the government should do is help them out, until they get back on their feet.

  14. The Red cross should be able to provide shelters for the Hawaiians who have lost their home to the volcano eruption. This is not their fault so they should not have to become homeless because of it
