Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Against Rules, Dallas Worker With Ebola Boarded Plane

Ebola is a disease that began in 1976 and has been spreading through West Africa and is now in the U.S. The man, who had recently flown from Africa to Texas that was confirmed to be infected with Ebola is now dead because he did not receive proper care in time. But since then there has been two more Ebola infected people(nurses) in the U.S.  One of them had boarded a plane to Dallas before being diagnosed with the deadly disease. Now the C.D.C's job has been made much harder since it might have spread to other people in different parts of the U.S. She shouldn't have boarded the plane since she was one of the nurses that came in contact with the first Ebola patient. Is there risk of others being infected? Has there been cases of Ebola in other parts of the U.S? Is there a way to prevent it? Is there a treatment for EVD? What is your opinion?


  1. I think that the United States needs to buckle down on this as soon as possible to stop this disease just Africa to maybe the whole world. We have already seen a similar example of this is history. When Columbus first came to America, he brought killer diseases such as small pox and measles and look what happened to the people that originally inhabited here, they ALL died. We don't want this happening especially with a disease that kill anyone pretty easily. I think that if the US will get going on finding a cure or anything to stop it, we all should be ok.

  2. I think that everyone is overreacting a little bit. Honestly, I don't think that the nurse infected anyone else, because ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids. I think this would be much more dangerous if it could be an airborne disease. While America works on finding a cure, just make sure you sneeze in your arms, and watch who you swap spit with. They should also look at the procedures to see how the nurses contracted it. Hopefully we find a cure soon.

  3. Since we do not know everything about this virus, precautions need to made. With all of these people trying to help the people infected with the virus, they are also putting themselves at risk of contracting the virus. These people working in these conditions should be flown on a separate plane to reduce the risk of infecting others. If we are not careful, then this disease could spiral out of control.

  4. The ruckus that has been created since Ebola has reached the US is understandable, for it is a virus that the US is not familiar with. Ebola is a deadly disease and people all around the world have yet to find a cure or vaccine for it. For the time being, the US is trying its best to emphasize prevention of spreading the disease. Before it was important for people to be cautious of spreading bodily fluids, but now they have to be all the more careful.

  5. I believe that we are all overreacting to this issue. Ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluid so i highly doubt that any one on that plane was infected. I think it would be necessary to worry if this disease was airborne like other sicknesses’. However I do think that the U.S. needs to take care of this outbreak fast before it starts to spread as two people have already gotten it. If anyone on that plane got the disease than it could spell big trouble for U.S. To prevent this everyone just needs to be more cautious, about sneezing in there arm and washing their hands regularly.

  6. There is new found chaos within the US due to the spreading of Ebola in the states. Ebola is said to start off with common cold symptoms and later advance into something deadly. I believe to take extra precaution the US should not allow anyone coming from Africa into the states. Although this may seem unfair, many people are willing to lie about feeling sick in order to get on a plane and go home as quickly as possible. However, since the disease is not airborne, I do not believe anyone else on the plane was infected. It is safer to take extra precaution towards the disease especially since there has been two more cases of people infected within the US.

  7. I believe that a lot of this fear is in our head. If we keep ourselves clean and sanitary we shouldn't have a problem. Yes people have died from this in the US but the death rate is at a minimum. This case is worse in Africa where their living conditions are worse and probably dont emphasize cleanliness like we do. If you are feeling sick then just go to the doctors right away. Dont hesitate or tell yourself youre okay. Diseases have come and gone in america, and we've all kept those diseases to a low death rate because we know that if we are clean there shouldnt be a problem and we shouldnt be worried.

  8. I believe a lot of the people are scared because they dont realize how unlikely it is to actually get ebola. What one guy died from it and now were all going to die. Ebola can only be transmitted through body interaction, bodily fluid interaction and or if the person coughed in your face and you sucked it in. It really isnt a problome.

  9. Ebola is a very rare virus that was first sighted in Africa. Rarely, you see people die from this disease but its most likely to be hit my lightning bolt than get ebola. We exaggerate this fear of ebola. Many of diseases we've had in US have all either found a cure or treatment.
